How your money helps


Aylesbury Grammar School has maintained a strong connection with Malawi for over twenty years. During this time A.G.S. has raised approximately £5,000 a year, which is sent through the Malawi Association for Christian Support, to assist various programmes including: education, health and transport. Six years ago a committee made up of a number of teaching staff, support staff and students started to discuss ways to develop the link we have with Malawi, to enhance the curriculum and create opportunities and experiences. One of the most exciting strategies put forward was an exchange between a school in Malawi, Malosa School and A.G.S.  Malosa School is located in the Zomba District in the south of Malawi. The school has 16 teachers including their headmaster, Mr Zingani. The school is mixed with 470 students, aged between12-18, of whom 271 are boys.

Since then students and staff from Aylesbury Grammar School have raised money in a number of ways as diverse as sponsored swims to cake sales. So far over 100 boys have been involved in fundraising with over £70,000 being collected. So far there have been three successful visits to Malosa, in 2007, 2009 and 2011. In each case the students from AGS have spent the first week staying at Malosa Secondary School and have been involved in teaching English, ICT and Sports and going on local visits with Malosa students as well as producing an evening of cultural exchange about the UK and taking a full part in the life of the school. While at Malosa students have also completed the following projects while at the school:

2007 - AGS students set up the computers in the first networked ICT room and supported the local hospital with medical supplies.

 2009 - AGS students worked with Malosa students to paint murals in the school hall and continue work on the ICT suite.

2011 - AGS students were able to oversee the development of a second ICT suite which could be used as a community internet facility as well as the installation of a satellite internet link. A new weather station was also set up and 100 new beds were installed in the dormitories. Murals were also painted in the school chapel.

Using some of the money raised the Malawi education Initiative has also paid for two groups in 2008 and 2011 to come to visit England as part of the cultural and educational exchange.

The other funds raised by the Malawi Education Initiative has been used to pay for networking ICT rooms, new computer equipment, satellite equipment and pay for internet connection which is an on-going payment. Other expenditures have included capital improvements around the school ranging from paints to sports equipment.

Further investment will be directed towards setting up teacher training facilities in the Malosa area and continuing to develop ICT improvements in the institutions around Malosa Secondary Schools:
St Lukes Hospital and Nursing College, Upper Shire Diocese offices and Chilema Ecumenical College.

Any money you give to this exchange will be a huge benefit to the students at Malosa School. Your money will help to:
Bring back a group of Malosa students to Aylesbury for 2 weeks.
Allow us to install and update ICT facilities at the school.